Hier ein Beleg für das Ende des "shale booms"
Auch wenn es nur wenige interessiert. Es ist m.E. eine bemerkenswerte Entwicklung im Zusammenhang mit "Verschulungsfähigkeit".
"IMO, if they can save the system this time around as multiple bubbles deflate, it will be the last time. I’m highly skeptical that they can, but if they do, probably sometime around 2021 or 2022 would be as far as they could push things out. That’s assuming that they can figure out how to start “DRILL BABY DRILL!†back up and keep it going until shale production peaks. From what I’ve read, that’s the optimistic view of when shale production would peak, given the ability to drill like mad.
IMO, when the bubbles from all of the QE and bailouts pop this time around, the decline is going to accelerate and not be pretty. I don’t think that they’re going to fire “DRILL BABY DRILL!†back up and I think that we’re going to have a true currency crisis. This time, there is a good chance that the 30 year bond bubble is going to pop. The only way to “fix†that is to inflate our way out of it, and history is pretty clear on what happens to currencies when governments take that route."
There are just too many problems converging at once. Debt, oil below its break even cost, the drought in California, corruption, pollution, etc… We might be able to deal with one or two at a time, but if they all hit at once, forget about it. Stick a fork in us, because we’re done."
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