Die große Pose hilft leider nicht weiter.
Derlei "Aufschrei"-Parolen helfen doch nicht wirklich weiter und lassen eher betreten schweigen.
Sie erleichtern zum Schein das Gewissen und haben lediglich Alibi- und Ventilfunktion.
Sowas kann hier nicht im Forum Sinn und Zweck sein.
Die Menschheit leidet von Anbeginn unter jeweils brutalsten Zeitgenossen und friedliche Zeiten waren und sind eher die ganz große Ausnahme.
Da half nie Aufschrei, sondern Mut zu freiem Wort samt Tat
Assad's Vater war ein Tyrann, deshalb war er ja auch Sozialist!
Sein Sohn hat ein schweres Erbe angetreten, und gerade als er im Begriff war, das Land zu "demokratisieren" und erstmals freie Wahlen durchzuführen, nutzten Exilsyrer und ihre Berater und Bundesgenossen quasi die Gunst der Stunde zur Eskalation...
Aufgehetzt von arabischen Satelliten TV, das die Saudis und Qataries finanzieren, koordiniert von zwielichtigen NGO's und Fantasten der KAS, FES usw. wurde ein Religionskrieg provoziert, der bis heute in typischer Selbstzerfleischung anhält.
Dagegen soll die Welt, Europa, Deutschland, gar das DGF aufschrein?
Das ist doch absurd...
Wir müßten nicht aufhörn zu schrein wegen allen Elends in der Welt:
ganz egal, ob Bomben auf Krankenhäuser oder einfach nur Hunger und Durst.
Was hilft Syrien die große Pose???
In Europa bzw. Deutschland wurde doch nicht einmal wahrgenommen, wer neuerdings Mitglied der UN Human Rights Commission ist!
Diese Kommission hat also die von Qatar präparierten [link=http://acloserlookonsyria.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Torture_Photos_from_"Caesar"]Torture Photos from "Caesar"[/link] beurteilt.
Was antwortet er im angesprochen Interview (ARTE) mit "Foreign Affairs" Managing Editor Jonathan Tepperman denn:
Part of what makes Washington so reluctant to cooperate with you more formally are the allegations of serious human rights abuses by your government. These allegations aren’t just from the U.S. government; they are also from the UN Human Rights Commission, the independent Special Investigative Commission of the UN. You are familiar with these allegations, I’m sure. They include denying access for relief groups to refugee camps, indiscriminate bombing of civilian targets, photo evidence provided by the defector code-named Caesar, who made a presentation to the U.S. Congress showing terrible torture and abuse in Syrian prisons. Are you prepared to take action on these issues in order to make cooperation with the United States easier?
The funny thing about this administration is that it’s the first one in history to build its evaluation and later decisions on social media. We call it a social media administration, which is not politics. None of these allegations you mentioned are concrete; all of them are allegations. You can bring photos from anyone and say this is torture. Who took the pictures? Who is he? Nobody knows. There is no verification of any of this evidence, so it’s all allegations without evidence.
But Caesar’s photos have been looked at by independent European investigators.
No, no. It’s funded by Qatar, and they say it’s an anonymous source. So nothing is clear or proven. The pictures are not clear which person they show. They’re just pictures of a head, for example, with some skulls. Who said this is done by the government, not by the rebels? Who said this is a Syrian victim, not someone else? For example, photos published at the beginning of the crisis were from Iraq and Yemen. Second, the United States in particular and the West in general are in no position to talk about human rights. They are responsible for most of the killings in the region, especially the United States after getting into Iraq, and the United Kingdom after invading Libya, and the situation in Yemen, and what happened in Egypt in supporting the Muslim Brotherhood, and terrorism in Tunisia. All these problems happened because of the United States. They were the first ones to trample international law and Security Council resolutions, not us.
That may or may not be true, but those are separate issues, and that does not absolve your government of responsibility.
No, no. The United States accused, so we have to answer that part. I’m not saying if there’s any human rights breach or infringement, the government has no responsibility. That is another issue. The second part of your question is about the allegations. They’re still allegations. If you want me to answer, I have to answer about something that is concrete, proved, and verified.
Are you prepared to categorically deny that there’s torture and abuse of prisoners in Syria?
If there’s any unbiased and fair way to verify all those allegations, of course we are ready. That would be in our interest.
Siehe Quelle: "Syria's President Speaks"
A Conversation With Bashar al-Assad
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