Hilary weiß auch Bescheid
Hillary weiß bestimmt auch, wo der Teufel seinen Schwanz hat, und in welche Richtung sie ihren A... halten muß!
Clinton Super PAC Donor Is Former Goldman Exec and Foreclosure Crisis Profiteer
When Bernie Sanders brought up Hillary Clinton’s prodigious fundraising from Wall Street at the Nov. 14 Democratic presidential debate, Clinton called it an attack on her “integrity.†And in an interview this week, she said that “anybody who thinks they can influence me on that ground doesn’t know me very well.â€
But the fact remains that the Clinton campaign is fundraising heavily from Wall Street. Contributions from the securities and investment industries comprise her fourth-largest pile of campaign money, totaling $2,044,471. Commercial banks have given $443,519 directly to her campaign.
One major donor to her Super PAC, Priorities USA, is Donald Mullen Jr., a man who was singularly able to profit from the financial crisis both before and after the crash of the housing bubble.
Mullen, while a Goldman Sachs employee, pioneered the trades that allowed the mega-bank to profit from the collapse of the housing market. Mullen’s team utilized financial instruments called collateralized debt obligations to essentially bet against subprime mortgages.
Wie viele Bestätigungen braucht es noch, bis allgemein akzeptiert wird, was Louis-Ferdinand Céline 1937 sagte:
*Demokratie ist überall und allezeit nur der Paravent vor der XXX-Diktatur.*
Der ganze parlamentarische Affenzirkus, die pompösen Staatsrituale mit begleitendem Medienklimbim, das alles macht nur den Wandschirm aus oder dient dazu, dem Volk Sand in die Augen zu streuen und um seinen letzten Rest Verstand zu bringen.