Yield For Anonymity?
"Many of you have heard about not only bitcoins but blockchains and that
unbelievable technology that underlies the bitcoins of this world at the
moment, and how incredibly convenient it will be to actually generate trust
and identify players and whatever pseudo they decide to use," she said,
according to FT. "And many of you in the industry are actually worried that
those technologies are going to massively disrupt the current industry.""Pause for a second," she is said to have told the bankers, continuing:
"If those new technologies, and as long as those new technologies are
going to abuse, take advantage of, the yield for anonymity, I think the
banking industry has quite a few good days ahead of it as long as it takes
ownership of those issues of capital and culture in order to actually
restore the trust without which you see no trade, no transaction, no
business can take place.â€http://www.coindesk.com/imf-chief-banks-bitcoin-blockchain/
Na dann ...
Gruß zur Mitternacht!
Yield for anonymity? Gibt's das denn eigentlich?
Ein Kommentar zum Artikel. Link unten.
"All Bitcoin users’ transactions are private which lets them buy or sell anything without it easily being traced back to them."
That (is) a completely false statement. All Bitcoin transactions are completed on the blockchain which is an open public ledger. Look into the Silk Road investigation. The government admitted that it was easier to track than if it were all done with cash because of the public ledger on the blockchain.
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Yield for anonymity?