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Thierry Meyssan, dessen grandioser Artikel nicht viel anderes sagt als Jacob Cohen auch, ist ein schwuler linker Moslem. Aber um Jacob Cohen zu kritisieren, fehlt den Systemschreibern natürlich die Traute, weshalb sie es vorziehen, Thierry Meyssan mit Dreck zu bewerfen. Leider hat sich Gilad Atzmon noch nicht zu Wort gemeldet, von dem ich annehme, daß er die gleiche Linie vertritt wie Cohen und Meyssan.
In 1994, Meyssan became a staff member of the Radical Party of the Left (PRG), a center-left political organization, and he participates in the campaign of Bernard Tapie (1994 European elections) and Christiane Taubira (2002 presidential elections).
In 1994, he founded the Voltaire Network and also created Project Ornicar, associations promoting freedom of expression and thinking, of which he is currently president.
From 1996 to 1999, he worked as substitute coordinator of the National Committee of Surveillance against the extreme right, which held weekly meetings with the 45 major political parties, unions and associations belonging to the French left-wing in order to draw up a common response to escalating intolerance. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thierry_Meyssan
Früher dachte ich immer, es käme drauf an, Theorien zu widerlegen und es nicht ausreicht, sie als kommunistisch, rechtsextrem oder liberalistisch zu bezeichnen.
Etikettierungen sind etwas sehr Praktisches, aber eine Sachdiskussion können sie leider nicht ersetzen.
Sehe gerade, Gilad Atzmon hat das Pariser Massaker bereits kommentiert.
Amidst A Religious War in Europe Or Is It Just another False Flag Operation?
The massacre in France was a devastating crime against freedom and the right to laugh.
But was it really executed by a bunch of lunatic irrational Muslims who to decided to kill mercilessly because their prophet was mocked?
French people should be asking what led members of their society to commit such cold blood murders against their fellow citizens.
France should ask itself why it has been dropping bombs on Muslims. Who enthusiastically advocated these ‘interventionist’ wars? What was the role of Bernard-Henri Lévy, the prime advocate of the war against Libya for instance?
Freedom and laughter are precious indeed, but isn’t it the French ‘socialist’ government that has been harassing and banning the best and most successful comedian in France, Dieudonné M'bala M'bala, because he satirized the Holocaust religion? Who pushed the French government to take such harsh actions against an artist; wasn’t it the Jewish lobby group CRIF?
While every anti terror expert has agreed that the attack on Charlie Hebdo yesterday was a professional job, it seems pretty amateurish for a ‘highly trained terrorist’ to leave his ID behind. And since when does a terrorist take his ID on an operation? One possible explanation is that the so-called terrorists needed a few extra hours to leave France or disappear. They had to fool the French police and intelligence into searching the wrong places and the wrong people. Is it possible that they simply planted a stolen or forged ID card in the car they left behind?
If this was the scenario, it is possible that the attack yesterday had nothing to do with ‘Jihadi terrorism.’ It is quite probable that this was another false flag operation. Who could be behind it? Use your imagination...