Varoufakis und die Future Tax Coins

Fabio ⌂, München, Donnerstag, 05.02.2015, 16:03 (vor 3653 Tagen)4872 Views

Ich kann mich nicht erinnern jemals so interessiert den Ausführungen eines Finanzministers egal welchen Landes gelauscht zu haben wie denen von Herrn Varoufakis.
Er hat sich z.B. auch kritisch mit Bitcoin auseinandergesetzt und findet zwar den Algorithmus brilliant, glaubt aber nicht an staatenloses Geld. Er sieht es als Problem an, dass Bitcoin ähnlich funktioniert wie Gold (Deflation etc).
Interessant finde ich aber seine Idee der "Future Tax Coins". Offenbar schwebt ihm ein System von kryptographisch organisierten FTCs vor, die offenbar Steuergutschriften repräsentieren sollen (etwa 1 FTC = Minus 1 EUR Einkommenssteuer):

" this effect, I have recommended that member-states organize their own crypto-currencies based on future tax credits expressed in euros. FTCoins, or Future Tax coins, as I called them, could provide:

a source of liquidity for the governments that is outside the bond markets, which does not involve the banks and which lies outside any of the restrictions imposed by Europe’s Central Bank

a national supply of euros that is perfectly legal in the context of the European Union’s Treaties, and which can be used to increase benefits to society’s weakest members or, indeed, as seed funding for some desperately needed public projects

a mechanism that allows taxpayers to reduce their inter-temporal tax bill

a free and fully transparent payment system outside the banking system, that is monitored jointly by every citizen (and non-citizen) who participates in it courtesy of a Bitcoin-like blockcain or public ledger that allows everyone to keep tabs on the quantity of these FT Coins that the government issues."

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