Hallo nereus, liest Du eigentlich Martin?

stokk, Montag, 23.09.2019, 14:24 (vor 1975 Tagen) @ nereus3223 Views
bearbeitet von unbekannt, Montag, 23.09.2019, 14:37


"The increase from $6.2 trillion to $6.6 trillion is showing the scramble into dollars even on an official level. As more and more US debt is taken up overseas as a hedge against the rising risk of the punitive sanctions of canceling foreign currencies as Christine Lagarde is preparing to take charge of the European Central Bank in October, the panic into the dollar assets is removing US debt from domestic holdings resulting in a LIQUIDITY CRISIS beyond anything you will find in the traditional economic textbooks."


Also es gibt keine Liquidität weil mehr in US-Staatsanleihen investiert wird?!

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