Something Big is Coming to Markets!
We are about to see a series of cycle turns occur simultaneously over the next 30 trading days, a period which includes a Fibonacci Cluster turn window with 10 observations. Within this 30 trading day period are a number of very unusual astrological events, which can affect markets. In the past, we have pointed out that major trend turns often come around the spring equinox, which this year arrives within the important Fibonacci Cluster we discuss below, on March 20th, 2015. Within this cluster turn period we also have a rare Total Solar eclipse (also on March 20th, 2015), the first day of the Hebrew calendar, (Nissan 1, evening also on March 20th), and a New Moon on March 20th. March 20th is also a quadruple witching hour on Wall Street, an options and futures expiration date. Also within this Fibonacci cluster turn period, on April 1st, 2015 is a phi mate turn date, and on April 4th we see a Bradley model turn date, which is also Passover, and also has a Full Moon -- not just any Full Moon, but a Blood Moon, the third of four in the 2014-2015 tetrad, a very rare event, that has the additional extremely rare occurrence that all four of these Blood Moons fall on the Hebrew Holy days of Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles (see Genesis 1:14). Something big is about to change.
„…Die bewusste und intelligente Manipulation der organisierten Lebensgewohnheiten und Meinungen der Massen ist ein wichtiges Element in demokratischen Gesellschaften. Diejenigen, die diesen unsichtbaren Mechanismus der Gesellschaft manipulieren, bilde