Musik gegen die moderne Welt: Von Thronstahl / Blood Axis / Sol Invictus

Nonpopulo, Freitag, 23.01.2015, 20:04 (vor 3663 Tagen) @ Weltvermesser3267 Views

Von Thronstahl - Noch blüht im Geist verborgen

Noch blüht im Geist verborgen
der Heimat Seele Land.
Aus ihm entsteigt der Märchen
von Licht durchwirkte Band.

Des Kinderherzens Tempel
hellstrahlend es umschlingt
bis einer Sorge Schatten
in seine Hallen dringt.

Doch fällt der ersten Lüge
Gedanke bei ihm ein
zerfällt der Tempelmauern
kristallenes Gestein.

So stirbt in uns der Glaube
an Göttlichkeit und Licht
und tränenfeucht weicht von uns
das innere Gesicht.

Vergessen sind die Märchen
ihr Zauberband zerreißt
und Heimatlos wir irren
am Herzensgrund verwaist.


Blood Axis - Churning And Churning

laws were they down in the beginning of time
did they decree a great cycle or instead a straight line
who now remembers what was once handed down
in this flood of distraction must nobility drown

where these stand now that the center gave way
what promess of hope comes forth with each day
are the words just echoes of an angel of lie
never inflating as the end draws nigh

churning and churning in the widening gyre
digging and wallowing in the thickening mire
hard times, much whoredom
in dullness, [or "indulge in" ?] slow pain, or frenzy boredom
like those few who came before
I would know yet more

who stands up right now, who walks on all fours
in this race with suicide, who's keeping the score
while all gods have yet to play out their roles
what new ones will rise from the abyss of your souls

have your ancestors all now withdrawn their hands
theses words from your mouth can they still understand
what great tale is the end of man's quest
and if no one knows, can they retrace our steps.

Sol Invictus - Dead Of The West

They're making the last film
They say that it's the best
And we all helped make it
It's called "The Death of the West"
The kids from Fame will all be there
Free Coca-Cola for you
And Eurodisney is here
Just for me and you

The death of the west

They're making the last film
They say that it's the best
And we all helped make it
It's called "The Death of the West"
A star has risen on northern skies
And on that star we'll be crucified
And the chains of gold around this world
They're ruled by those who lie

Mich widern alle Ideologien an, egal ob sie von links oder rechts kommen, sie ignorieren die Natur des Menschen. (Claude Cueni, Script Avenue)

Blue Moon Baby

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