
Zarathustra, Freitag, 12.01.2018, 09:06 (vor 2582 Tagen) @ Kurt6058 Views

Danke übrigens auch für deine links zu einer Außenseiterposition in

der Quantenmechanik.

Sehr gerne. Das
Lubos Motl ist
selber zwar Außenseiter im wissenschaftlichen
Mainstream, vertritt allerdings n.m.V. keine quantenphysikalische
Außenseiterposition, sondern die wohl lupenreinste 'klassische' Position
weit und breit, die schlussendlich sogar letzte Reste des
Determinismus-Dilemmas lösen könnte, soweit ich ihm bisher folgen kann.


Sorry, Einstein. Quantum Study Suggests ‘Spooky Action’ Is Real.

No, there is no "spooky action". The two measurements are correlated because of the contact of the two particles in the past, because of events in the intersection of the two particles' past light cones, because of the "origin" that both particles share. The correlations do not arise from any action or any influence at the moment of the measurement. What is observed is correlation (between A and B) but correlation doesn't imply a causation (A's influence on B or B's influence on A). Instead, the correlation is explained by the initial state of both particles, C, that has influenced the results of measurements of A as well as B.

Einstein chose the term "spooky action" in order to suggest that quantum mechanics predicts something illegitimate – and the action at a distance would certainly be illegitimate because it would conflict with relativity. However, Einstein's argument was just wrong. Quantum mechanics doesn't need any action to guarantee the correlations that follow from entanglement. It doesn't transfer any transformation superluminally. Never. Ever. Quantum mechanics doesn't necessitate any contradiction with relativity and quantum field theories are 100% exactly compatible both with special relativity and with the postulates of quantum mechanics.

Danke auch, und Gruss


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