Kein Dreck, sondern Anpassung an den Markt

tar ⌂, Gehinnom, Samstag, 06.01.2018, 00:10 (vor 2588 Tagen) @ Zarathustra1847 Views
bearbeitet von unbekannt, Samstag, 06.01.2018, 00:20

Wenn nicht nur das Bedürfnis, sondern bereits Konkurrenz zu schnellerer Transaktionsbestätigung und günstigeren Transaktionen am Markt vorhanden ist, müssen sich die Unternehmen anpassen, die am Markt bestehen wollen und technisch sieht es so aus:


BCH ist mit dem Crash von BTC gefallen und dümpelt seitdem bei 1800-2200 € umher und steigt nicht einmal jetzt, wo BTC wieder steigt.

Mit XRP hatte ich im gleichen Zeitraum eine Performance von 600 %, XRP selbst hatte eine von 1300 %.

Während Bitcoin für normale Peer-To-Peer Electronic Cash-Zahlungen
inzwischen nicht mehr taugt und folgedessen immer weiter Marktanteil
verliert, wird gleichzeitig seitens des Establishments der letzte Dreck
gepusht, und das ist Ripple.

Du solltest auch mal die Kommentare prüfen:

[color=444477]Great visuals! Love it.

The content however is not fully correct.

- XRP is mandatory for XRapid and banks will use XRapid in the next few months. SBI is testing XRP and XRapid as we speak and will use it for the Japan-Korea channel.
- 3 of the top 5 money transfer companies will use Xrapid and XRP in 2018. (names come soon pending NDA)
- The 20 XRP ripple wallet fee can be reduced soon as the value increases but considering the 0.00001 XRP transaction fee you are in the plus after 1-2 transactions.
- No mining = no high fees due to no effort put in so this is a plus not a negative.
- The XRP number is fixed and cannot be changed unless the whole protocol changes. Same for any BitCoin fork really e.g. LTC is bitcoin with a higher max of 84Million.
- The protocol is open source and available on Github. Anyone can run a rippled server so XRP itself is decentralized.
- Ripple the company has frozen 55B in escrow released 1B max monthly to prevent pump and dump like Roger Vers crew does attacking BTC. Historically they have released 300M on average so the not used goes to the end of the line to month 56 and onwards for another 55 month in escrow.
- Creators allocated less than 7% to themselves, most has been given away already to charity. The rest will not be dumped as it will reduce the value. Most cryptos are like this. e.g. Satoshi also hold 1M BTC which is 5% of max total, 6% of current supply.
- Original owners cannot sell more than 0.7% something of the daily volume which is a drop on a hot plate. I say this as Jed McCaleb who was removed in 2014 had this imposed on him after this went to the courts. - Cryptos are not backed by a commodity thats normal also for BTC or ETH.
- You say that they intend to bind your identity to your wallet in future? Did not hear that but in case needed for AML the same as it is on exchanges, you can use the ledger in this case as you can create a XRP wallet on there without identity information.
- In general, identity is not needed unless you are on an exchange like for all crypto really.
- BTC is absolutely NOT anonymous or pseudo anonymous. Use Monero in this case.

People reading this, dont take my word for it, do your own research.

- Hodors XRP blog. (Hodor is an XRP fan but provides well written information)
- Open source repo:
- Setup your own server for the decentralized blockchain:
- Ripple information:
- View from the CEO of SBI holdings:

For the rest: Google is your friend :)[/color]


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Time is the fire in which we burn.


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