Frage: wie sehr treibt die Nachfrage nach ICOs den Preis von Bitcoin, Ethereum etc. (mL)

DT, Dienstag, 24.10.2017, 02:18 (vor 2664 Tagen)1685 Views

Wall Street Piles into Cryptocurrencies, Others Speak of “Biggest Scam Ever”
by Wolf Richter • Oct 23, 2017 • 113 Comments

I don’t remember ever having seen crazier times of more pandemic proportions.

“It is the biggest scam ever, such a huge gigantic scam that’s going to blow up in so many people’s faces. It’s far worse than anything I was ever doing,” explained Jordan Belfort concerning ICOs (initial coin offerings) of cryptocurrencies. The former penny-stock broker portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio in The Wolf of Wall Street should know: He spent 22 months in the hoosegow for securities fraud and money-laundering.


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