Lagarde gibt Ausblick für Legitimierung von Kryptowährungen
Kennt jemand Mr. Robot? Eine Serie, die man bei Amazon Prime schauen kann?
Primär für Computer-Nerds, aber sehr interessant, weil es um Währungen, Crashs, Hacking, etc. geht.
Dort gibt es in Episode 11, Season 2 folgenden Dialog. Über den habe ich mich damals sehr gewundert, heute nicht mehr.
We're talking about rolling out E-coin loans.
Look, with E-coin equal to one dollar, it'll free up the economy.
It'll give you some breathing space.
You can't make your own currency.
That is the federal government's job.
We simply cannot let you make big loans in E-coin that you wouldn't make in dollars.
The problem here is, hard cash is fading rapidly.
That's just the way of the world right now.
And Bitcoin is spreading.
It is unregulated, it's already reached
its transaction volume maximum, and
it is partly controlled by Chinese miners.
With Ecoin, we control the ledger and the mining servers.
We are the authority.
I will make sure you have visibility
into every single wallet that's open,
every loan, every transaction,
which means we can start
making new assets,
which means we can start
rebuilding the banking sector
without your having to inject even more
politically unpalatable
federal funds into it.
This is gonna be controlled
by a good, old-fashioned
American company.
I'll give you back doors,
side doors, tracing...
whatever you want.
Just don't shut it down.
Es geht um eine fiktive, elektronische Währung (E-coins), die als Alternative den Amerikanern quasi aufgezwungen wird.
A) Um gegen Bitcoin anzustänkern und B) um die Liquidität (QE) noch viel weiter auszudehnen.
Kann schon sein, dass das Establishment so noch viele, viele Jahre auf Kosten der ärmeren Bevölkerung leben kann, welche sich derweil mit inszenierten Scheinproblemen beschäftigt...
Zitat des Jahres: "We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics."
It's a big club, and you ain't in it.