Die Sprachcodierung des Cabal.

aprilzi, tiefster Balkan, Dienstag, 15.08.2017, 12:45 (vor 2734 Tagen) @ aprilzi2164 Views
bearbeitet von unbekannt, Dienstag, 15.08.2017, 13:23



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hier werden die Sprachsilben besprochen.

1st CODE: Mc or Mic = Military Industrial Complex

2nd CODE: Ma, Mar or Che = Marxist Che Guevara

Es geht also um den MIC vs CIA coup.

GOLOC HorizontalShadow • 14 hours ago
The BMW ran into the restaurant Monday evening in Sept-Sorts, part of
the Seine-et-MArne area about an hour from the French capital,
broadcaster BFMTV reported.

Und am 21 wird etwas passieren.[[sauer]]

GOLOC HorizontalShadow • 16 hours ago
The MA CHE Factor

Does the governor MARtin O MAlley in MARyland agree with walMARt's decision? Is this MARtial law?

When you see MA think MArxist agenda
When you see CHE or something which sounds similar think Communist revolutionary CHE Guevara
When you see MIC, MC or hear (mick) think Military Industrial Complex

Bill Clinton's daughter's name is CHElsea
Bill Clinton signs first anti-terror bill after OklahoMA City Bombing by Tim-MA-thee MICK-veigh
Beltway Sniper James Lee MAlvo wreaks havoc in a CHEvrolet Caprice with a BUSHMAster rifle
Columbine Massacre PSYOPS was in Littleton CO. (largest employer there is Lockheed MArtin) Shooting is blamed on gun supplier MArk MAnes, the influences of MArilyn MAnson and the movie the MAtrix
Dick CHEney earns 80 million from his Halliburton stock options with the war in Iraq
Bush was a former CHEerleader and CHEney was an (ELECTriCIAn. ObaMA) ran campaign for hope and CHEange with MIChelle ObaMA
MIChael CHErtoff is placed in charge of 9/11 investigation overseeing the disposal of the Twin Towers and building 7 into the Atlantic.
After 9/11 war begins in Afghanistan with operation ENDurING FREEDOM. MA/Mission Accomplished?
Think the housing crisis was orchestrated? NEWt gingRICH was the former Speaker of the House and former spokesperson for Freddie MAc. Fannie MAe/Freddie MAc?

You should notice a lot of MA/CHE/MIC in the news since intelligence agencies control all MSM including alternative media and are imitating this code. Rather than listing 100 examples here's a few;
Bradley Manning wants to change name to CHElsea MAnning
ObaMA purchases MAgnum PI house.
Trayvon MArtin stand your ground? tRAYvON=Raytheon and Martin=Lockheed another PSYOPS event.

False flag events such as Sandy Hook, the Boston Marathon Bombing, the Aurora Shooter, the Antonio MArtin shooting, Australia's MArtin Place cafe hostage crisis, etc,. were poorly constructed for a reason. Much like Obama's birth certificate released 3 days before the OBL raid diversion, the government doesn't care to sell the public on these events. They want the public to expose these events and are investigating those spending time, money and resources trying to hard sell these events as being authentic. Get it? There isn't one thing wrong with Obama's birth certificate, everything is wrong with it for a reason.

Since the election of Obama in 2008. False flags were used to entrap members of the shadow government. After 7 years they already caught everyone. Now it's all out tyranny by those who have elected themselves and are using these traitors for their own agenda. Basically, do whatever they want without oversight or consequences and BLAME Obama or blackmailed members of Congress for it.

The Ferguson Riots with MIChael Brown, the former name of a feMA director, were orchestrated. Next, Eric Holder was supposed to investigate the Eric Garner choke HOLD. Eric choke hold/Eric HOLDer? Another PSYOPS. Now we have the orchestrated riots over fREDdie GRAY, another made up name.

All the anti religion and anti race comments online are being posted by our government to engineer a need for military on our streets to "calm the masses."

When the divided and conquer game failed in Ferguson intelligence agencies created an Ebola epidemic starting with nancy writEBOL-(A). They also created the char LIE hEBdO-(LA) nonsense. Both names almost spell out Ebola. Still determined to put military on our streets now they created operation Jade Helm. I don't know about you but I never voted for Obama. I never voted for martial law. I never voted for a 9/11 botched false flag operation to create DHS, increase federal agency budgets, or to go to war and strip of us of our Constitutional rights. I never voted for a big hole at the Pentagon on 9/11 that destroyed the accounting department doing the audit on the missing 2.3 trillion dollars they announced on 9/10. I never voted for government agencies to be evacuated from building 7 where the Pentagon's back up accounting files were stored on 9/11 before the building spontaneously collapsed. I never voted for a New World Order or for Fascism to cover up the biggest crimes in history.

Sarah Palin was and still is a huge part of the government's code imitation game. When Sarah's real role is exposed than Obama falls, Osama the fabricated elusive boogeyman, the official 9/11 narrative falls apart, the illegal wars, DHS, TSA and everything created because of 9/11 including the Unpatriotic Act. Learn the truth about the MAverick MAma grizzly and why she was installed as McCain's running mate to intentionally throw the election. Search Sarah Palin's dirty little secret before they shut down the internet.


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