Prof. Sirer: Secret Bitcoin Troll Army Pushes for SegWit Adoption
Für den Rest hab ich keine Zeit zu antworten, auch weil du schon wieder
Begriffe wie Blockstream-Mafia etc. verwendet, die nicht zu einer
sachlichen Diskussion beitragen.
Gibt es irgendwo eine ekelerregendere Open-Source-Bewegung als 'Bitcoin Core'?
Mir ist keine bekannt.
What is the end goal of this group?
Prof Sirer;
To advance their general agenda. I am not privy to their internal goals, but from having observed the various sock puppets they use, the current agenda seems to be to hold back Bitcoin's scaling by opposing any and every straightforward move to increase Bitcoin's transaction rate and to instead push for a Bitcoin Core-authored solution that is complex, does not go far enough in increasing Bitcoin's capacity, and redirects transaction fees into the hands of a new class of financial players.