
Fabio ⌂ @, München, Freitag, 17.06.2016, 12:10 vor 3157 Tagen 8953 Views

Gerade crasht die gerade noch gefeierte Slock.it DAO ins Bodenlose:


In einer Telegram Group kommentiert ein Bitcoiner:

"This is decentralized command calling all decentralized nodes. Come in all decentralized nodes. I just wanted to give you an update from decentralized command. Our decentralized commander is having a rather hard day because a contract was sent out to all of you and it has a typo in it. It was meant to say DAO, but instead it said DOA. We would like all decentralized nodes to stop what they are doing and await instructions from decentralized command as to what you should do about this problem. Please also contact all your decentralized supporters, and ask them to be patient while we work to create a decentralized solution which we will send out to the decentralized nodes. We thank you for your dedication and support of our decentralized approach. We are always not here to not help you."


“We are on strike against the dogma that the pursuit of one’s happiness is evil. We are on strike against the doctrine that life is guilt." John Galt

DASH - Digital CASH

Ein paar weiterführende Links dazu

Prikopa @, Freitag, 17.06.2016, 13:01 vor 3157 Tagen @ Fabio 6710 Views

bearbeitet von unbekannt, Freitag, 17.06.2016, 13:39

Erklärung: DAO - 140 Mio. Crowdfunding

Matt Levine (ist immer lesenswert) bereits im Mai

"We pay bailouts to banks then leave them invest in digital garbage" https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/digital-asset-sees-ibm-goldman-sachs-join-as-investors-... … "banksters are addicted to ecstasy"

Hinweis und Vergleich zu NXT


Update von
(man beachte die 10 Mio Grenze, ...)

Vermutlich werden auch Crypto-Kartoffeln nicht so heiß gegessen, wie sie gekocht werden! ;) (oT)

mabraton @, Freitag, 17.06.2016, 14:27 vor 3157 Tagen @ Fabio 6066 Views

bearbeitet von unbekannt, Freitag, 17.06.2016, 15:59

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Nachricht vom DAO-"Hacker"

Onkel S. @, Samstag, 18.06.2016, 13:08 vor 3156 Tagen @ Fabio 6053 Views

Hi Fabio,

jetzt wird es so richtig "lustig" ...



Keine Anlageempfehlung!
Keine Anlageberatung!
Keine Gewähr!
Umsetzung auf eigene Gefahr!

Der Hacker hat recht (oT)

Zarathustra, Samstag, 18.06.2016, 13:13 vor 3156 Tagen @ Onkel S. 5725 Views

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Sehe ich genauso (oT)

Fabio ⌂ @, München, Samstag, 18.06.2016, 13:21 vor 3156 Tagen @ Zarathustra 5704 Views

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“We are on strike against the dogma that the pursuit of one’s happiness is evil. We are on strike against the doctrine that life is guilt." John Galt

DASH - Digital CASH

Deterministic outcomes based on code  -  that is the value

Zarathustra, Sonntag, 19.06.2016, 09:29 vor 3155 Tagen @ Fabio 5613 Views

There is something far bigger than The Dao, or even Ethereum, at stake here: the very idea of immutable smart contracts. The core promise of smart contracts was brilliantly articulated by The DAO. They are designed to operate “solely with the steadfast iron will of unstoppable code.” The core idea here is that the code is the contract, and that it does not require or allow human intervention or interpretation. It is automatic and “autonomous”. Deterministic outcomes based on code — that is the value.

This value, of deterministic outcomes is 100% dependant on being able to run on a protocol that can be trusted to operate according to deterministic rules known in advance. That is what Ethereum must be. What is being now suggested is to go and change the protocol level rules, retroactively, because of an exploit discovered in one contract on the application level. To do so, would destroy the very trust that makes all contracts on the application level possible.


Gut, daß so etwas jetzt passiert und nicht im Betrieb von slock.it

Dirk-MV @, Punta Cana, Samstag, 18.06.2016, 15:29 vor 3156 Tagen @ Fabio 5810 Views

bearbeitet von unbekannt, Samstag, 18.06.2016, 18:18

Es werden sicherlich noch einige bugs auftauchen.
Nebenbei hat DAO bis jetzt nur die Steigerung der letzten 3 Wochen verloren, Ether nicht mal das. Im selben Zeitraum ist Bitcoin von 470 auf 750 gestiegen.

Der wahre Feind eines Mannes ist Zweifel.


Wandere aus, solange es noch geht.